Aug 27, 15 · The gel prevents the strong chemicals in the depilatory cream from irritating your skin, but still allows it to get the job done Wipe it away and you'll find your upper lip neither tingly nor red, but as hairless as a baby naked mole rat Bliss's Fuzz Off Removal Cream is another good option and actually has a pleasing, innocuous scentS images rat monkey that prove animals get creepy without hair palehorse95 bald pets cats bear dog hamster chicken NEXT GALLERY Cringeworthy Attempts MadeWhat this Naked Mole Rat stuffed animal lacks in hair, it makes up for in cuddly cuteness/liAlthough these adorable creatures are naked in nature, your naked mole rat plush has fur made of durable yet soft, sandcolored fabric/liThis plush toy measures 8 inches from the tip of its little rodent nose, to the end of its puppylike tail, and every inch is surface washable/liThe tiny pink ears Facts About Moles Live Science Baby mole rat with hair